Articles on: Inlink

Create a report

Thanks to the reports, you have the possibility of sending an incivility report directly to the telephone of your managers, asking them for a leave of absence and also any other form that seems relevant to you.
To create a new report, click on new at the top right of the page. Fill in the necessary data.
At the bottom of the form you can find a drop-down list where you can find the types of forms that you have created and which are mandatory to fill in. Attention ! You must have created the form corresponding to the report beforehand to create it.
You must select the users with the right to access the report and the people with the right to manage the report! You must also have correctly configured your rights in order to access it.
Refer to the articles: create a user and manage rights
Click on the small characters to give access, to the desired people, to the form. To assign the management of a report, click on the small shield and select one or more administrators.

=>To create a form, we invite you to consult this link. (aucun lien !)

Updated on: 28/06/2023

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