Articles on: Flexnav

Modify line information

To modify a line, simply click on the small pencil on the left in the lines menu and then modify the desired information.

Add / Delete / Modify indications of danger or zones
If you want to enrich your journey with zone indications in order to offer your drivers a smooth journey, you are on the right article!
When you arrive on the map of the trip you want to enrich, at the top left of it is the indication and zone tab, click on it and add the indication you want then follow the steps. To create guidance indications such as: "Turn right on rue de la tomb Issoire", click on new indication. To create a danger zone indication, click new danger zone.

To modify a zone indication, right-click on the indication then modify the desired information. If you want to delete it do the same then click on delete

Caution : You cannot move the indications. Delete it then recreate a new one.

Add a slug
In this article we will guide you so that you can create your own!
Click on the following link =>

Updated on: 28/06/2023

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